Las Vegas Society of Supernatural Investigatons





Meet The Leaders of LVSSI



Tina Carlson 

Las Vegas, NV


My name is Tina Carlson.

Founder and director of the Las Vegas Society of Supernatural Investigations the first investigation group formed in the Las Vegas area. My interest in spirits came at a young age when I was stricken with a near death experience after an illness, and after that I think I could see and sense things not everyone can. My grandpa Floyd Billington, helped me with a lot of my knowledge of spirits as he could see and sense spirits as well. In fact it has been said that this gift goes back many generations in my family. My interest has only grown as I aged and I found the Shadowlands on the internet and met my friend and mentor Dave Juliano. The Shadowlands became my ghostly home where I became the co-director and gained the knowledge to form LVSSI in 1998. My abilities as an empath have grown over the years into sensing, seeing, smelling, hearing, and channeling spirits. I enjoy helping people to understand what is happening in their homes and either learning to live peacefully with the spirits or finding ways to help the spirit move on to the next realm of existence. We go into a house believing the house is haunted; it is the house that has to prove us wrong. My favorite quote is one from Mark Twain: "Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something thatís on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving."


Contact Tina


Assistant Director: Nancy Riggs

Las Vegas, NV

My name is Nancy Riggs I am the assistant director for LVSSI.

For three generations my family has been interested in the paranormal, so I feel that I come by my curiosity rather naturally. As a child living in Alaska and here in Las Vegas, Nevada my family has always had ghosts living with us. So it was normal to see, smell and talk to them. It did not occur to me that other people did not feel the same way toward ghosts as my family did.

LVSSI has enlightened my understanding even further. I feel that we can determine to the best of our ability that ghosts do co-exist with us. Believing that you have a ghost in your home can be pretty unnerving. We give comfort and understanding to those families that seek our help. After all, it is hard for families to live with something that they feel is harmful, scary or an annoyance.

Joining LVSSI has been one of the greatest adventures of my life. I hope to continue this exploration in the paranormal for many, many years. See you later as "the spirits are calling I must go".


Contact Nancy

LVSSI Consultant: Dave Juliano

Philadelphia, PA




Visit Dave's Group

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