Las Vegas Society of Supernatural Investigaton










Weather Conditions:

upper 80's, 8% humidity, light winds, barometric pressure 29.60+

Geomagnetic Activity:


Solar Activity:


Moon Phase:


Equipment Used:

(All Equipment may not be used at each location but is taken)

Camera Equipment:

Vitar ViviCam3632, Nikon 35mm, Sony Cyber Shot 50, 35mm Night Owl, Polaroid camera

EMF Detectors:

Electrosensor EMF detector,  Cell Sensor EMF detector, ELF Zone Electromagnetic Field Detector,  Mulitdetector II High sensitive Electrosmag-Analyser


RayTek MiniTemp non-contact thermometer, RayTek Raynger ST non-contact thermometer, RadioShack IR thermometer,

EVP Equipment:

Olympus Digital Voice Recorder DS-320, RCA RP50128 Digital Voice Recorder, Omnidirectional detachable microphone

Video Equipment

Sony Night Shot

Other Equipment:

Copper Dowsing Rods, Motion detectors, Motorola Talkabout T5500 radios, 2 military red lens flashlights, 1 Mag light large regular lens, Rayovac small clip on red lens flashlight, Rayovac head lamp flashlight

 Misc. Items

 Opening and closing prayer, identification badge, assorted pens, assorted batteries, hand sanitizer, first aid kit, snake bite kit, 1 Bag sea salt, 1 pair of scissors, 1 tea ball, sage sticks, torch/flame, holy water and oil, film for cameras



Case History

   LVSSI was contacted by the father or the family. He described several disturbances including problems with plumbing and electrical appliances, and uncommon hot and cold spots. They also had a family pet that was very effected by what was happening. LVSSI was asked to conduct an investigation. The following is their findings.

Date Of Investigation: June 4 2005
Time: 8:00pm
Investigators on Scene: Tina Carlson, Nancy Riggs, Steven Carlson Trainees: Linda Doane, John Bielum
Photos taken: 60
Positive Photos: 6
EVP's: 0
Anomalous EMF readings: 1
Anomalous temperature changes: 1
Video: 0

* Case Update*

After conducting their investigation, LVSSI received the following letter of thanks and explaining that all is well..


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